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Friday, March 14, 2025


Berkshire Lakes

Berkshire is a deed restricted, self managed development of single family homes, coach homes, villas and condominiums.  As you enter the prestigious neighborhood, you are immediately struck by the feeling of a tight-knit neighborhood, and a true sense of what a Florida living should be.

$100,000-$200,000 $300,000-$400,000 $500,000-$600,000
$200,000-$300,000 $400,000-$500,000 $600,000-$700,000

Ashford In Parc Royal At Berkshire Lakes
Ashford In Parc Royal In Berkshire Lakes
Ashland in Waterford at Berkshire Lakes
Barrington in Wedgewood at Berkshire Lakes
Barrington In Wedgewood At Berkshire Lakes
Bentley In Parc Royal At Berkshire Lakes
Bentley In Parc Royal In Berkshire Lakes
Bentley in Wedgewood at Berkshire Lakes
Bentley In Wedgewood At Berkshire Lakes
Berkshire Lakes (Site Plan)
Berkshire Lakes Unit 1
Cambridge at Berkshire Lakes
Cambridge I In Waterford At Berkshire Lakes
Captiva of Brentwood at Berkshire Lakes
Carlton In Parc Royal At Berkshire Lakes
Carlton In Parc Royal In Berkshire Lakes
Catalina IV of Brentwood at Berkshire Lakes
Champlain In Wedgewood At Berkshire Lakes
Coach Homes Of Berkshire Lakes
Colonies At Berkshire Lakes
Connecticut In Wedgewood At Berkshire Lakes
Danforth in Wedgewood at Berkshire Lakes
Danforth In Wedgewood At Berkshire Lakes
Deerfield In Waterford At Berkshire Lakes
Dover In Parc Royal At Berkshire Lakes
Dover In Parc Royal In Berkshire Lakes
Essex In Parc Royal In Berkshire Lakes
Hampton In Wedgewood At Berkshire Lakes
Hardwick In Wedgewood At Berkshire Lakes
Hartford In Wedgewood At Berkshire Lakes
Islander at Berkshire Lakes
La Mirada of Brentwood at Berkshire Lakes
Lexington in Waterford at Berkshire Lakes
Lower Unit Of Coach Homes In Windsor Place At Berkshire Lakes
Madiera Executive at Berkshire Lakes
Manchester of Brentwood at Berkshire Lakes
Melrose Gardens at Berkshire Lakes
Montclaire In Wedgewood At Berkshire Lakes
Nashua In Waterford At Berkshire Lakes
New Castle at Berkshire Lakes
Newcastle At Berkshire Lakes
Newcastle At Berkshire Lakes (Site Plan)
Newport I In Waterford At Berkshire Lakes
Oxford In Parc Royal In Berkshire Lakes
Parc Royal At Berkshire Lakes (Site Plan)
Parc Royal In Berkshire Lakes (Site Plan)
Partridge Pointe at Berkshire Lakes
Partridge Pointe At Berkshire Lakes (Site Plan)
Providence I In Waterford At Berkshire Lakes
Regency II Of Single Family Homes In Heatherwood At Berkshire Lakes
Riviera Palm of Brentwood at Berkshire Lakes
Site Plan of Brentwood at Berkshire Lakes
Site Plan of Coach Homes in Bennington Group Village at Berkshire Lakes
St James Homes At Berkshire Lakes
Stafford Of Single Family Homes In Heatherwood At Berkshire Lakes
Startford at Berkshire Lakes
Strafford In Wedgewood At Berkshire Lakes
Stratford In Parc Royal In Berkshire Lakes
Stratford of Brentwood at Berkshire Lakes
The Arlington Of Coach Homes At Berkshire Lakes
The Arlington of Coach Homes in Bennington Group Village at Berkshire Lakes
The Barrington Of Coach Homes At Berkshire Lakes
The Barrington of Coach Homes in Bennington Group Village at Berkshire Lakes
The Cambridge I In Waterford At Berkshire Lakes
The Cambridge Of Coach Homes At Berkshire Lakes
The Cambridge of Coach Homes in Bennington Group Village at Berkshire Lakes
The Colonies at Berkshire Lakes
The Colonies At Berkshire Lakes (Site Plan)
The Deerfield In Waterford At Berkshire Lakes
The Dover Of Coach Homes At Berkshire Lakes
The Dover of Coach Homes in Bennington Group Village at Berkshire Lakes
The Nashua In Waterford At Berkshire Lakes
The Newport I In Waterford At Berkshire Lakes
The Osprey In Partridge Pointe At Berkshire Lakes
The Pelican In Partridge Pointe At Berkshire Lakes
The Providence I In Waterford At Berkshire Lakes
The Sandpiper In Partridge Pointe At Berkshire Lakes
The Wellsley In Waterford At Berkshire Lakes
The Westfield In Waterford At Berkshire Lakes
Three Bedroom In Newcastle At Berkshire Lakes
Trenton of Brentwood at Berkshire Lakes
Two Bedroom In Newcastle At Berkshire Lakes
Unit A In The Colony I At Berkshire Lakes
Unit A Of Condominiums In The Colonies At Berkshire Lakes
Unit B In The Colony I At Berkshire Lakes
Unit B Of Condominiums In The Colonies At Berkshire Lakes
Upper Unit Of Coach Homes In Windsor Place At Berkshire Lakes
Villa Unit In Melrose Garden At Berkshire Lakes
Waterford At Berkshire Lakes (Site Plan)
Wedgewood At Berkshire Lakes (Site Plan)
Wellsley In Waterford At Berkshire Lakes
Westfield In Waterford At Berkshire Lakes
Weston B In Parc Royal In Berkshire Lakes
Weston In Parc Royal In Berkshire Lakes
Windsor at Berkshire Lakes
Windsor Place at Berkshire Lakes

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